
Issa Rae was a vegetarian for 15 years, but now shes Paleo-leaning because of bacon

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There are so many actresses who play-act the idea of “being real” in public life. Very few of them come across as anything other than contrived or performative. But Issa Rae is different, right? I actually believe whatever she says. I really believe that she’s felt awkward and different throughout most of her life. And I believe her when she talks about gaining and losing weight and how she can worry about body image and all of that and still feel like it’s part of her job to look a certain way. Issa covers the April issue of Women’s Health – it’s a great, colorful shoot full of spring colors and Issa looking hot and sassy. You can read the full interview here. Some highlights:

On the “new money weight” she gained when she became successful: “When the Web series started, I was very, very broke. Then more opportunities began to come. I was gaining New Money Weight. When you get a new job, you’re like, ‘I can afford to eat at restaurants all the time!’ That adds up in weight.”

On when weight began to mess with her self-esteem: “Time to work out is so limited, but when I first started seeing myself on TV, I was like, ‘I gotta make time.’”

On daily exercise not coming naturally: “I was a big excuse person when it came to exercising and eating right. I’d have spurts of trying to work out and be good. Then once I fell off, I’d be like, ‘Well, there’s always next year. Let me make it my New Year’s revolution.’ But even then, I would still be eating wrong while exercising vigorously.”

On the routine that gets her out of bed at 4:55 a.m.: “I exercise for, like, an hour each day. My neighborhood has a bunch of hills. Then I alternate between walking and jogging. I hate jogging – you’re going in circles, but I recognize that it helps.”

On accidentally discovering how exercise helps her mental well-being: “You know those earbuds that you put in your ears? I was running, and one fell. It was dark outside and I couldn’t find it. So I was just forced to be alone with my thoughts, and I was like, ‘Oh, I need to do this more often.’ Those moments are the most creative. I think finding those moments while also nurturing your body is important.”

[From Women’s Health]

She also told Women’s Health that she was a vegetarian for 15 years but nowadays she’s more “paleo-leaning” and she recently “rediscovered” bacon. Which is funny to me, because bacon is one of the big reasons why I could never even try to be vegetarian for any length of time. I don’t need bacon every day or even every week, but I need to wake up every morning and know that I could have some bacon if I wanted it.

I sort of understand what she’s saying about jogging and her mental well-being, although I find that I do need music to properly zone out and improve my mental health. I’ve tried going to the gym without my iPod and it drives me up the wall. But that’s just my thing – I need white noise or music constantly. I also can’t fall asleep unless there’s some kind of white noise.


Photos courtesy of Ben Watts for Women’s Health, sent from a promotional Women’s Health email.


Janel Helmers

Update: 2024-05-03